August 15, 2006


Quebec business man Real Bourassa has got the French media’s knickers all in a knot. He is hoping to name his American Basketball Association team the Jumping Frogs. It is bad to call the French frogs, just ask La Presse: “French-speaking Canadians are acutely sensitive to the derogatory term.” They even called it “the ultimate insult”

As a French-Canadian (although not from Quebec), I say lighten up you old codgers. It is not like he is going to name the team the Quebec City Arrogant Bastards. I think most people have enough of a sense of humor to find this funny, Oui? If you don’t you should probably move to Ontario then. No one has a sense of humor in the center of the universe so you will fit right in.

Even more brilliant is the other proposed team name, the Kebekwa. It is a play on the word Quebecois used to describe residents of Quebec. I don’t know which name is better. Either one is insanely funny. Personally I think Mr. Bourassa should be given two teams just so that he can use both.


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